Alright fuckers. If you've been sent this article, it means that you have likely not been arguing to your upmost ability. Fuckers. Quote frankly, you're probably just full of shit and just need a big kick up the fucking ass. Here is an incomplete list of common problems and advice regarding discussions and debate of serious topics. From someone who is a veteran at discussion and debate, and who is used to dealing with uncivilised degenerate scumbags.

Don't lie. Pretty simple, just don't fucking lie. If you're going to lie in a discussion or debate, then just fuck off and leave, if you're just being a degenerate scumbag who is only there to fuck with and shit on people. You're not really there to discuss or debate anything. If you lie, you lose the right to speak.

Don't call people silly names and accuse them of random bullshit. It's got nothing to do with the topic, and it just shows that you're only there to attack and smear people to feed your inferiority complex. This is especially so when it comes to gaslighting, which is to accuse someone of being insane and question their mental competence. Deal with the arguments at hand, asshole. Not the person. This is a common fallacy called ad hominem, or personal attacks. The only time where it's legitimate and necessary to question a person's sanity, is when the person is being incoherent and stuck in a loop, and they aren't intellectually capable of discussion or debate. The legitimate accusation should only happen after the evidence is already clearly established ad nauseam, which is to say that the point or evidence has been displayed so many times that it's nauseating, hence ad nauseum. And as for humour, it's perfectly fine to make fun of someone's stupidity. I recommend it. But it's unacceptable to use humour as a dishonest disguise for smear and malignantly trashing on someone.

Don't use buzzwords. Words like racist, sexist, NAZI or pedo. They're intended to smear the opposition and justify censoring them so you can claim victory without a fucking battle. Instead, deal with their arguments and prove them wrong. If you try to shut them down like that, you lose the right to speak, not them. You lose the right to speak. Buzzwords also include using excessively long and obscure words to appear smart and knowledgeable when you fucking aren't, so you can claim a false moral or intellectual highground over your opponent. Instead, use proper language, proper general language, that everyone understands. And don't use buzzword slang or abbreviations. If you do see a legitimate need to use a rare language like that, only use it when you're confident that your opponent already knows what the term means. Otherwise explain the term first, just in case they don't understand, without accusing them of not knowing already.

Don't argue from authority. This is a common fallacy called appeal to authority, Just because an authority says something, it doesn't make it true. And it doesn't mean that other people recognise them as an authority. Learn to think for yourself and get an actual fucking argument, instead of blindly trusting authority figures to do it for you. A lot of the time, especially these days, authority figures are compromised and sold out. All an authority figure can do is show that your views are widely shared and not fringe or obscure, if that. Just because an authority figure says so, doesn't make them right. This is especially true when it comes to major websites that host opinion articles for clickbait, that are deliberately and dishonestly being proposed as scientific fact. Fuck, everyone claims science these days, it doesn't mean that they are. Just opinion articles are often from journalists who have no knowledge, experience or expertise on the topic. Just because it's on a fucking major website, doesn't mean it's fucking true. It doesn't mean it's a fucking authority. Many authority figures also disagree on most things. When it comes to a legitimate consensus of authority figures on a topic, as opposed to fake consensuses like the global warming consensus, which doesn't really exist, it's just made up, legitimate consensuses do have value. But again, that doesn't guarantee that they are right. And finding some random obscure webpage or website supporting your claims, doesn't make them right either. It doesn't make you right. I can get or make a webpage that says the Earth is a triangle and leprechauns rule the fucking world. Just becuase a webpage says so, doesn't make it fucking true, idiot. And just because the government or some other authority figure says sol, doesn't make it true.

Don't argue from popularity. This is a common fallacy called appeal to popularity, or ad populum. Commonly known as ad populum. Just because a lot of people or the majority believe something, doesn't make it true. And then the other extreme, just because you have a rare belief, doesn't make you insightful. Because a lot of fucking scam artists do that shit. They say random obscure shit, to pretend they have some kind of insight when they don't fucking know shit. They're just making shit up, to scam you of money.

A lot of people will gang up on one person and overwhelm them with numbers, and usually engage in every other common fallacy in a barrage of attacks, and justify it all on the basis that they have more numbers. This is bullying. It's as weak and pathetic as you can fucking get. I cop that shit all the time. The only time where numbers have a legitimate place, is when you are trying to get a closed minded person to be open to the possibility and consider the arguments and evidence you are trying to offer them. One of thes ways is legitimate and benign. And the other is illegitimate and malign. Benign and malign pretty much means good intentions and bad intentions.

Unless you are being wrongfully interrupted and talked over repeatedly, don't complain about being interrupted and talked over. Stop fucking whining and carrying on like a fucking idiot. Sometimes multiple people accidentally start talking at the same time, and it's fine. Especially when it comes from people in different countries, you've got like a half a second ping delay, and people talk and they're all 'doh... ah... um... gfwiuegheuihg'. You know, it's fine, because it happens when you've got a ping delay and it happens even at the best of times in debate. It's norma;, it's fine, it's good. It's a good thing. It's also perfectly fine to deliberately interrupt when someone is making a false premise for their argument. Or when they already made one point and are skipping your turn, and making a series of baseless claims. Or when they're trying to derail and change the topic. Or many other justified reasons to interrupt and talk over someone. Sometimes it's right to interrupt and talk over people, and sometimes it's not. Be on the right side of things and act fucking civilised. Don't be uncivilised and try to take control of the conversation and be a despotic dictator. And don't do that while reversing the roles, being uncivilised yourself and wrongfully accusing your opponent of what you're guilty of doing yourself. Don't be a fucking hypocrite. Above all things, don't be a fucking hypocrite. That's the worst thing you can do, is be a fucking hypocrite. When someone interrupts you over and over, reset and restart your answer every time they interrupt you. They will become frustrated, yet they are the cause of their own frustration. If they complain that you are repeating yourself, tell them that you will keep repeating yourself and starting over until you can answer without being fucking interrupted. Such people will be kicking their own ass, and making a fool of themselves to everyone around them. If they want to act like a toddler, treat them like a fucking toddler. They only have themselves to blame. And they're only making a fool of themselves. And they're frustrating themselves, kicking their own ass.

One question at a time. Ask a question. Shut the fuck up. Let them fucking answer. Don't ask a question and make one hundred points after it, refusing to let them answer. People who do that are trying to bait you with a loaded question, and reinforcing it with weak personal attacks with one hundred baseless claims which are usually dishonest.

One point at a time. Unless asked a vague question that requires explanation, don't sit there and make point after point after fucking point. You make one point, then you shut the fuck up and let someone answer it with a point or question of their own. Making more than one point at a time, it's perfectly fine when asked questions like, 'What do you think about a certain thing or topic?'. When someone is answering a question, do not interrupt them unless they are making a serious lie as an attack on someone else. Always be wary of that. When they're turning it into a personal attack, interrupt the fucker and shut that shit down. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Let them fucking answer the fucking question, and shut the fuck up.

Do not gish gallop, which is a common tactic to make as many weak and dishonest claims as possible, as quickly as possible, throwing as much shit as possible at your opponent in hope that they won't be able to refute every single claim and at least one of these bullshit arguments/claims they are making will finally stick. It's just shit throwing. Gish gallop is usually done as cover fire to protect their own first false claim from scrutiny. Basically, they make an initial false claim, and then they talk random shit over the top of that to barrage with a bunch of lies, to protect their initial false claim, which is usually a personal attack, usually a racial attack, etc. When someone gish gallops, interupt them constantly and insist on answering one point at a time. Do not let them divert from the original point. Always take it back to the original point. And if they're just making up random lies, just say what I do, 'Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar'. Talk over them, 'liar, liar, liar, liar, liar. Let's bring this back to the original point, shut the fuck up, let me answer the original point, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar'. Just keep doing that shit, until they shut the fuck up or they just make a fool of themselves. Original point, one point at a time, let me answer your original point, shut the fuck up and let me fucking answer.

Do not change the topic when you've been proven wrong or losing the argument. This is a common dishonest and manipulative fallacy called red herring. Be a fucking grown up. Own your shit and admit you're fucking wrong. People use this tactic as a way to attack someone and wear them down from every angle in hope of eventually getting them, catching them out on something and scoring a single point. Instead of admitting they lost one hundred to fucking one, they try to weaken you and get a single point they can hold over you, at a time where they had an unfair advantage by barraging you with a bunch of lies. And with that point that they claim victory over, they use it to claim everything else that you said was wrong. Even when they are the one being proven wrong over and over again. They're trying to catch you out on one little thing, even if they have to fucking lie. People who do this are desperate for ammunition and trying to barrage you from every angle in hope of catching you out on something. And in absence of evidence, they often deliberately misquote you and lie about what you actually said and believe. Misrepresenting someone's position like that, especially deliberately which is very common, is a common fallacy called a strawman argument. You're attacking a strawman, easy to defeat version of your opponent, as opposed to the actual version of your opponent, so that you appear victorious.

There's so many other points I could make here, but these are some common ones that I just listed here. Just don't be a fucking asshole. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't be a fucking asshole. And where possible, make fun of your opponent for doing stupid shit when they're doing stupid shit. Be a fucking grown up. Be a fucking grown up. Be a fucking grown up. And stop being a fucking liar. Wake the fuck up. Own your shit. As I like to say, 'Use your noggin or cop a fucking floggin'. I'll be seeing you.